Scholarship Relevant to Institutions of Higher Education

This selection of scholarly essays and books is meant to address a need within institutions of higher education to serve a population that is too often invisible, despite the prevalence of quantifying demographics. The works selected address the way in which institutional cultures affect the experience of Latino/a students in the classroom. As the Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire insists, the classroom is not a rarefied space with little pragmatic value in the “real world.” The classroom and the world are “co-extensive.” Again, the selection is not exhaustive. It is meant to introduce readers and researchers at varying levels to important topics across a range of academic fields and pedagogical perspectives that include Linguistics, ESL, Composition, History, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Law, and Political Science.

Amaury, Nora and Laura Rendon. “Hispanic Student Retention in Community Colleges:Reconciling Access with Outcomes.” Class, Race, and Gender in American Education.  Ed. Lois Weis. Albany, New York:  SUNY Press, 1988. 126-43.

Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. 4th ed. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2012.

Aparicio, Frances R. “Of Spanish Dispossessed.” Language Ideologies: Critical Perspectives on the Official English Movement.  Ed. Roseann Duenas Gonzalez. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2000. 248-275.

Arrizón, Alicia. Queering Mestizaje: Transculturation and Performance. Ann Arbor, MI: Univ. of Michigan Press: 2006.

Baca, Damán. “The Chicano Codex: Writing against Historical and Pedagogical Colonization.” College English 71.6 (July 2009): 564-583.

Barron, Nancy G. “Dear Saints, Dear Stella: Letters Examining the Messy Lines of Expectations, Stereotypes, and Identity in Higher Education.” College Composition and Communication. 55.1 (September 2003): 11-37.

Bender, Steven W., Greasers and Gringos: Latinos, Law, and the American Imagination. New York: New York Univ. Press, 2005.

Benitez, Cristina. Latinization: How Latino Culture is Transforming the US. Ithaca, NY: Paramount Market Publications, 2007.

Bokser, Julie A. “Sor Juana’s Rhetoric of Silence.” Rhetoric Review  25.1 (2006): 5-21.

Cafferty, Pastora San Juan. “The Language Question: The Dilemma of Bilingual Education for Hispanics in America.” Ethnic Relations in America. Ed. Lance Liebman. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1982. 101-127.

Chong, Nilda and Francia Baez. Latino Culture: A Dynamic Force in the Changing American Workplace. Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2005.

de Genoa, Nicholas and Ana Yolanda Ramos-Zayas. Latino Crossings: Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and the Politics of Race and Citizenship. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Darden, Antonia and Rodolfo D. Torres, eds. Latinos and Education: A Critical Reader. New York: Routledge, 2013.

Dussel, Enrique. The Invention of the Americas: Eclipse of “the Other” and the Myth of Modernity. 1992. Trans. Michael Barber. New York: Continuum, 1995.

Elias-Olivares, Lucia, et al. Spanish Language Use and Public Life in the United States. New York:  Mouton de Gruyter, 1985.

Farr, Marcia, and Gloria Nardini. “Essayist Literacy and Sociolinguistic Difference.” Assessment of Writing: Politics, Policies and Practices. Ed. Edward M. White, William D. Lutz, and Sandra Kamusikiri. Modern Language Association (1996): 108-119.

Fox, Geoffrey, Hispanic Nation: Culture, Politics and the Constructing of Identity. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press, 1997.

Fregoso, Rosa-Linda. MeXicana Encounters: The Making of Social Identities on the
Borderlands. Oakland, CA: Univ. of California Press, 2003.

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage. Lanham, MD:
Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2001.

——- . Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2000.

Galeano, Eduardo. The Open Veins of Latin America. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1997.

Gonzalez, Juan. Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America. New York: Penguin, 2011.

Guidotti-Hernández, Nicole M. Unspeakable Violence: Remapping U.S. and Mexican National
Imaginaries. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 2011.

Habell-Pallán, Michelle. Loca Motion: The Travels of Chicana and Latina Popular Culture.
New York: New York Univ. Press, 2005.

Kirklighter, Christina; Diana Cardens and Susan Wolff Murphy, eds. Teaching Writing with
Latino/a Students: Lessons Learned at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Albany, NY: SUNY Press 2007.

Kirschner, Samual  A. and G. Howard Poteet. “Non-Standard English Usage in the Writing of
Black, White, and Hispanic Remedial English Students in an Urban Community
College.” Research in the Teaching of English 7 (1973): 351-5.

Lomas, Laura. Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects, and American
Modernities. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 2008.

López, Antonio. Unbecoming Blackness: The Diaspora Cultures of Afro-Cuban America. New
York: New York Univ. Press, 2012.

Meier, Kenneth J., and Joseph Stewart, Jr. The Politics of Hispanic Education: Un paso pa’lante
y dos pa’tras. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991.

Mooney, Margarita, and Deborah Rivas-Drake. “Colleges Need to Recognize, and Serve, the 3
Kinds of Latino Student.” Chronicles of Higher Education 54:29 (March 2008).

Moreno, Renee M. “‘The Politics of Location’: Text as Opposition.” College Composition and
Communication 54.2 (December 2002): 222-242.

Murillo, Jr., Enrique G., Sofia Villenas, Ruth Trinidad Galván, Juan Sánchez Muñoz, Corinne
Martínez, and Margarita Machado-Casas, eds. Handbook of Latinos and Education: Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: Routledge, 2009.

Ortiz, Flora Ida. “Hispanic-American Children’s Experiences in Classrooms: A Comparison
Between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Children.” Class, Race, and Gender in American
Education. Ed. Lois Weis. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1988. 63-86.

Parédez, Deborah. Selenidad: Selena, Latinos, and the Performance of Memory. Durham, NC:
Duke Univ. Press, 2009.

Perea, Juan F. “The New American Spanish War: How the Courts and the Legislatures Are
Aiding the Suppression of Languages Other Than English.” Language Ideologies: Critical
Perspectives on the Official English Movement.  Vol. 2. Ed. Roseann Duenas
Gonzalez. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2001. 121-140.

Rodriguez, Richard. Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez; An
Autobiography. Boston: David R. Godine, 1981.

Santiago Baca, Jimmy and Releah Lent. Adolescents on the Edge: Stories and Lessons to
Transform Learning. Portsmouth, NH: Hinemann, 2010.

Van Wagenen, Michael. Remembering the Forgotten War: The Enduring Legacies of the U.S.-
Mexican War. Amhearst, MA: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 2012.

Viego, Antonio. Dead Subjects: Toward a Politics of Loss in Latino Studies. Durham, NC: Duke
Univ. Press, 2007.

Villa, Daniel. “No nos dejaremos: Writing in Spanish as an Act of Resistance.” Latino/a
Discourses: On Language, Identity, and Literacy Education. Ed. Michelle Hall Kells, Valerie Balester, and Victor Villanueva.  Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2004. 85-95.

Villanueva, Victor, Jr. Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color. Urbana, IL: National
Council of Teachers of English, 1993.

Worthan, Stanton E.F., Enrique G. Murillo Jr. and Edmund T. Hamann, eds. Education in the
New Latino Diaspora: Policy and the Politics of Identity. Westport, CT: Greenwood
Publishing Group, 2002.